Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Day 5: A picture of your favorite memory

Biking + Lollipops + Rain = Happy Summer memories :)

I have a lot of favorite memories, but I guess I'd pick my favorite CHILDHOOD memory.

My friends and I used to look forward to every summer together, just running around like lunatics, playing under the scorching heat of the sun, talking like there's no tomorrow, and eating like we've never eaten before.

But most of all, my favorite summer memory with them is during the first of May. We'd always look forward to the Agua de Mayo, when we have the freedom to play under the rain, because it's a belief that the first rain of May could cure diseases. There's that one time when we actually rode our bikes and roamed around the subdivision under the pouring, thunder-crashing rain, and it was so AMAZING! It's like we're not scared at all.

But as we grew up, we never had the chance to do those things again, probably because we're all too grown up for that, or maybe for the reason that we already lost our interest with what we used to do.

I miss the fun-loving, i-don't-care-what-others-think, i-love-the-fireflies-in-the-night kind of childhood friends I had before. I'ts not that we're not friends anymore, we still are, actually, but it's not the same anymore. We all started to grow apart when we had other obligations and responsibilities to fulfill.

I wish we could do what we used to do before and be like children once again, at least for one day. Just that, and I'd be the happiest person on earth. That's really one of my secret wishes, but I guess it's not a secret anymore. :]

Dear Tinkerbell, please sparkle me with your pixie dust, so I could fly to Neverland and never grow up. :)

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